"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid" - Ronald Reagan

New York

Comparison of the Lives of Jesus and Muhammad

Insulting and threatening Jesus and Muhammad
James M. Arlandson/The American Thinker Original Article

Mr. Arlandson asks a very important question and gives an extemely insightful analysis of the difference between the lives of Jesus and Muhammad.

He firsts asks the following questions:
If you were to start a new religious movement or an entirely new religion, people would hurl insults at you, guaranteed. Those who cherish the status quo may even threaten your life. But how would you respond? Would you show patience and take it? Would you walk away? Would you return the insults, calling them names? Would you engage in a verbal sparring match, disarming your opponents with your wit?
After comparing the how the two leaders reacted when threatened, he concludes with:
It is asserted that Muhammad was called to lead people towards a new law that superceded the paganism of Arabia in the seventh century. He was another lawgiver, like Moses. He intended to establish a new order here on earth. In contrast, Jesus was a spiritual leader whose kingdom was not of this earth. He was not a new lawgiver like Moses. Jesus was “heavenly minded.”
His final statement is tells the whole story:
Thus, the two missions of the two founders are different indeed.
Different indeed. Jesus gave his own life for all the world's peoples. Muhammad would have taken all the world's lives to save his own.


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